(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And so here's another passage talking about people who are doomed for whom it's too late and look the thorns and briars that's straight out of Matthew chapter 7 when Jesus said every good tree brings forth good fruit a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit and he said a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit every tree which bringeth forth good fruit is hewn down and cast in the fire the context of that is false prophets the false prophets are the evil trees that bring forth corrupt fruit and the good trees bring forth good fruit and so and by the way that's why saved people are the only ones who can get someone saved an unsaved person can't get someone saved because you know what that'd be that'd be a corrupt tree bringing forth good fruit that'd be like if you gathered grapes of thistles that'd be like gathering figs of thorns is that ever gonna happen no the good tree brings forth good fruit and it says a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit it can't happen and you say well you know the fruit there is just what you say you know one of these phony false prophets was preaching and false prophets love to preach this because they don't have any good fruit so that's why they have to preach this so this phony false prophet he said no no that Matthew 7 passage it was Tyler Baker but anyway he said that Matthew 7 passage he said that's just the words that come out of your mouth okay okay so stop let's test that for a second okay so I guess a good tree can never say anything bad folks the Bible says the tongue can no man tame doesn't the Bible teach us that no one has total control of their tongue haven't we all said something bad who's ever said something bad after you got saved in the last week in the last hour not scared but anyway look we've all said bad stuff because of the fact that the Bible says the tongue can no man tame it's an unruly evil full of deadly poison and so how can you say that a that a good tree can't bring forth evil fruit so they can never say anything wicked come on it's ridiculous of course good people can say bad things and even more so let's flip that over can bad people say good things of course they can because of course they can be an imposter and talk the talk and creep in unawares and say all the right things but inside what look what did the Bible say he said this people draw an eye to me with their mouth but their heart is far from me so they're saying the right thing so that doesn't make it easy but now let's test the correct doctrine that bringing forth fruit in this context is talking about reproducing like be fruitful and multiply like as in some 30 some 60 some 100 ok and if it's talking about reproducing well everything reproduces after its own kind and so dogs beget dogs cats beget cats and Christians beget Christians so the Christian the good tree brings forth good fruit the Bible says the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that win its souls is wise so the good tree brings forth good fruit ok so now let's test that can an unsaved person win a safe person to Christ now and that makes perfect sense that an unsaved person isn't going to go around getting people say some other idiot pastor recently said I think the Judas Iscariot probably got more people saved than any of the other disciples well you know I guess it's a shame that he hung himself then because he was such an amazing soul winner he could have stuck around that's that's just stupid folks you know when people don't actually have God leading them when they preach that's the kind of stupid junk that they have to come out with to entertain their listeners because they don't actually have biblical truth and the fullness of the Holy Spirit so they got to pull out all this little cute junk like it's that's nonsense it would have been better for that man if he had never been born oh but thank God he was the best soul winner better than John better than Peter better than James and Andrew to be a complete idiot to believe that you know I wonder why any idiots would even be in that guy's church after he says I'm so stupid and he says I'm stupid like that almost every week beloved let's go to revelation let's go to revelation chapter 22