(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So, number one, he believes that there's salvation outside of Jesus Christ, and he doesn't believe that Jesus is he, and he's going to die in his sins. Listen to this. This is from a January 1997 interview with Larry King, you know, Larry King Live, the famous television show. Larry King says this. What do you think of this in 1997, January? And I've seen this one myself, and I've seen the previous one also myself on a video cassette. I've seen this one on TV when it actually aired in 1997. What do you think of the other churches like Mormonism, Catholicism, or other faiths within the Christian concept? Dr. Graham. Oh, I think I have a wonderful fellowship with all of them. Dr. King, Larry King says you're comfortable with Salt Lake City, you're comfortable with the Vatican? Yeah, he's talking about Mormonism and Catholicism respectively. Graham says I'm very comfortable with the Vatican. I have been to see the Pope several times. In fact, the night, the day that he was inaugurated, made Pope, I was preaching in his cathedral in Krakow. So the night that Pope John Paul II was being inaugurated, he was preaching in the Pope's Catholic Church. Did you hear that? I was preaching in his cathedral in Krakow. I was his guest, and when he was over here in Columbia, South Carolina, he invited me on the platform to speak with him. I would give one talk, and he would give the other. But I was two-thirds of the way to China. You like this Pope? Graham, I like him very much. He and I agree on almost everything. Did you hear that? Well, that's the first true thing that's come out of his mouth. He and I agree on almost everything. And here I have a picture. Here's the visual aid. We have a multimedia service here at the A4 Baptist Church. This is a picture of Billy Graham wearing a dress. You know, I'm sorry, he's wearing this little priestly robe there. He's wearing a dress, and he's being given a doctorate, an honorary doctorate from the Roman Catholic Belmont College. They're placing some kind of a yoke or one of these weirdo things that they wear around their neck. They're putting this on his neck and giving him an honorary doctorate, and he's receiving it from this other guy that's in a dress. And Billy Graham's America's preacher. Don't say anything bad about Billy Graham. I've been an independent fundamental Baptist church. Yeah, say whatever you want about Billy Graham, but he gets a lot of people saved. Everything brings forth after its own kind. You must not have read very much Bible. Maybe you should go back and read the first chapter of the Bible, Genesis 1, and you'll find out that everything brings forth after its own kind. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. The bad tree will never produce any good fruit. Everything brings forth after its own kind in order to bring forth, in order to beget a child of God. Like Paul said, I've begotten Onesimus and my bonds. Roger said Timothy and Titus are my own sons in the faith. Hey, you've got to be a child of God in order to bring forth a child of God. And no, Billy Graham has not gotten anyone saved ever because he's on his way to hell himself as an unbeliever.