(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In 1966, this is what Dr. Graham said to the United Church Observer. How do you believe doesn't affect the doctrine? Either at a certain moment in evolution, God breathed into one particular ape man who was Adam, or God could have taken a handful of dust and blowed and created a man just like him. Yeah, I guess he could have done it the way it said in the Bible, where he took a handful of dust and breathed into his nostrils. Or, let me read it for you again, at a certain moment in evolution, God breathed into one particular ape man. A-P-E, ape man. He breathed in, he took some... He grabbed some monkey, and Jesus Christ said, come here for a minute, and breathed into his nostrils. And all of a sudden, we have Adam, the first man. Adam became a living soul. He went from... And all of a sudden, he named all the animals. All of a sudden, he was a super intelligent human being. All of a sudden, he was probably the most intelligent man that ever lived, Adam. I don't know what you think is so funny about this. Something funny about this false teacher, okay, they were exposing. Listen to this. We're talking about Billy Graham's warped doctrine that has no place in the Bible. Yeah, maybe it was some ape. Maybe Adam was an animal, okay? He was turned into a human being by breathing into his nose, okay? Or maybe when kids get baptized as infants, maybe they become a Christian. I don't know who knows. Whatever.