(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So, just because the husband is the head of the wife and he's the boss, he should still want to please his wife, make her happy, do nice things for her, because the Bible says husbands love your wives, nourish them, cherish them, right? And just because the parents are the bosses of the children, doesn't mean that the parents don't want to do what the children like and say, hey, children, what do you guys like? What do you want to do? Right? Servant leadership is what we're talking about, leaders that are willing to serve and do what's right. Another way that this will sometimes be explained in a political realm is a benevolent dictatorship, a benevolent dictatorship, a dictator who basically does what's best for the people and not what's best for himself. Now, this is what a family should look like. I mean, the father is the head of the home. It's not a democracy. I mean, who should we, what's the voting age in my house? You know, should we let all the toddlers and all the little children vote on how we're going to do things? You know, my wife and I would be outvoted pretty fast on a lot of things. So it's not run as a democracy. It's run as a dictatorship, but it's a benevolent dictatorship, okay? So voting is overrated, okay? We need leaders that are appointed by God to step in and lead, but not to lead in a self-serving way, but to lead in a benevolent, self-sacrificing way, not to make themselves rich, but to make many rich, right? Not to be served, but to serve, but to minister. And government is supposed to be the same way. That's why people are called ministers, like the prime minister or the minister of education or the minister of whatever, because they're supposed to be servants, public servants, right?