(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) My wife, and my wife works very hard, you know, ignore that part about not loving sleep, Juja, because she doesn't sleep enough, she needs to sleep more, okay? But she works very hard, okay? And look, she could have a much easier life if we would just go down to Walgreens and buy all the voodoo, you know, ways to stop having children, okay? She could have a much easier life if we had less children, she would not have to work as hard. But you know what? I guarantee you that she's much happier. And if you ask her, she's happier. Because you know what? Here's a newsflash, sitting around and doing nothing isn't the key to happiness. And these fools, these sluggards and sloths, just their dream is to win the lottery. And they go to the gas station and they buy lottery tickets every day wasting money, like all lazy people do, and they waste the money and literally they want to win the lottery, not so that they can do anything good, oh no, it's so that they never have to work again. What kind of a stupidity is that? Oh, may it be so great if I could just win the lottery, I'd never have to work again. Why would you not want to work again? Because you're lazy, that's why. Because you know what? If I had a tree in my backyard that just grew money leaves, okay, if I had a genie, if I had a lamp where I'd just rub the genie lamp and just have all the money I want, I'd still work every day. Or at least six days a week, why? Because what else are you going to do? Build something, do something, preach something, work something. But these people, it just shows where their mind's at when it's just like, oh, I just want to win the lottery so I can never work again. And they're just going to sit around and they're just going to, you know what, and that stuff's going to get boring. I mean, okay, you know why it's fun to go to the lake? You know why it's fun to go dirt bike riding? You know why it's fun to, what are the things people do for recreation? I work so much I don't even know. No, I'm just kidding. You know, fishing, you know why fishing's fun? You know, I don't think it's fun, but whatever. You know why fishing's fun? You know why? Because you don't do it every day. That's why it's fun. People who live in the country, they go to the city to take a vacation. And people who live in the city go to the country for vacation, okay? And you know why it's fun? If you did it every day, if that was your job, if you were a fisherman, you'd be looking for days off from fishing. And what I'm saying is that the reason that stuff is fun is because it's a treat. You know why ice cream is so good? Because you eat it every once in a while. But if you ate ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, that wouldn't last for but a couple of days. You'd never want ice cream again. You'd be sick of it. And this idea where we just think, oh, the perfect life is sitting around, you know, being fed grapes and having someone fan me with a palm branch, that's the perfect life. That would be cool for like the first day. And then the second day, I'd be bored out of my mind. I want to go to work. You know, and look, haven't you tried to take vacations before and you just kind of just want to work? Nobody knows what I'm talking about? You're like, you're a workaholic. You know what workaholic is? Something that lazy people call people who actually work. It's true. You know, I mean, a workaholic is just a label you put on somebody who's a hard worker because you're lazy. You know, and look, I understand the dangers of living a life that's all about making money. But see, I'm not talking about making money, I'm talking about working. And you know, some work that you do isn't necessarily a money maker. Like how about soul winning? How about reading and studying your Bible? How about helping the poor? You know, how about volunteering for something that's a good cause? How about raising your children? How about training them and teaching them and guiding them? What I'm saying is that we need to get to work, man, woman, boy, girl. Don't be a busybody, a tattler. You know, you're so offended by what you've seen on Facebook. You know, so and so didn't click like. Maybe so and so is just at work. That's why they didn't like your status. You know what I mean? And you're just liking everything. You like everything because you're not doing any work. You know? Look, I'm not saying, you know, don't blow off a little steam, have a little recreation. That's great, okay? But you know what? If you're a housewife, don't just live on Facebook. Don't just live online. You need to shut that thing off and cook some nutritious meals for your family. And don't be too lazy to do it and just everything is just a hungry man in the microwave. You know, and today we've got men that are too lazy to go out and work and pay the bills and we've got women who are too lazy to cook a nutritious meal. Everything's ready made. Everything's top ramen. You know, nobody, they don't want to cook anything, they don't want to make anything. They don't rise early while it's yet night to give meat to their household and a portion to their maidens, Proverbs 31. You know, we've got children who don't want to work, they don't want to get anything. Parents who are too lazy to teach their children, too lazy to read the Bible to their children, too lazy to teach them how to read, too lazy to take them to church. You know, we've got Christians too lazy to go to church, too lazy to come back Sunday night, too lazy to come back Wednesday night, and too lazy to do any soul winning. You know, we've got pastors today who are too lazy to go soul winning, won't do any soul winning. And then we also have pastors who are even too lazy to write their own sermons. So everything is just a prepackaged sermon that someone else wrote.