(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So at that event of the rapture all of the dead saints of all ages are going to be Resurrected they're gonna come back to life, right? They're going to be Resurrected brought back to life and when it comes to the nation of Israel they are going to be placed in their own land and They're going to live in that promised land of Israel and they're gonna reign with Christ There for a thousand years say how do you know that? Well, Jesus told his twelve apostles. He said that in the Regeneration which is another word for the resurrection or or coming back to life after the rapture He said in the regeneration the twelve apostles would sit on twelve thrones Judging the twelve tribes of Israel So that means the twelve tribes of Israel from the Old Testament are gonna come up out of their graves They're gonna be caught up They're gonna be in heaven with us for a few years and then when Christ returns at the Battle of Armageddon And sets up his kingdom the children of Israel are gonna live in the promised land They're gonna live in Israel and they're gonna be judged by the twelve apostles All right, one apostle will judge each tribe. Does everybody understand so far? So let's keep going here It says in verse number 15 the word of the Lord came again unto me saying moreover thou son of man Take thee one stick and write upon it for Judah and for the children of Israel his companions Then take another stick and write upon it for Joseph the stick of Ephraim and for all the house of Israel his companions and Join them one to another into one stick and they shall become one in thy hand now. This is a miracle Okay, and this is probably a miracle that you've never heard of because it's kind of an obscure miracle It's not as dramatic as Jesus walking on the water but He takes this stick and he writes Judah on one stick and he takes another stick and he writes Israel on it or Ephraim Talk about the northern kingdom and he takes these two sticks in front of all Israel Right, and he basically puts these two sticks together and they just become one stick in his hand Now that's that's a miracle obviously now some people probably were skeptical and said hey It's a magic trick or whatever but we know this was a miracle God miraculously caused two sticks to just merge into one stick and The thing that he was teaching is that one day the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah are going to be one nation again because in the Old Testament after King Solomon, they split into two kingdoms with Jeroboam and Rehoboam and they were separate all the time thereafter They were totally separate but God is saying that when they come up out of the graves in the end times and When he brings them up out of their graves and puts them in the land They're going to be one nation again All 12 tribes are going to be unified into one country with the 12 apostles reigning over them