(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let me read for you out of the non-inspired version, also known as the NIV. Listen to this out of the NIV. The same scripture in John 9 and 35. And this is why this guy thought that the Bible didn't say that. This false teacher, this false prophet. John 9 and 35. If you look down at the King James, I'll read for you from the NIV. Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, and when he found him, he said, You believed in the Son of Man. Big difference. You see, all the difference isn't that big. That's a huge difference. Because you know what? Ezekiel is called six times the Son of Man in the book of Ezekiel. He says, Son of Man. That's what God calls him six times in the book of Ezekiel. He says, Son of Man, make me a roll. Son of Man, do this. Son of Man, do that. But the Son of God is a little bit different, wouldn't you say? Is there a difference between man and God? Oh, I love the NIV because it's easier to understand. It takes out the Vs and the Vows. It takes out a little more than that. It attacks the deity of Christ. It says that Joseph is Jesus' father in Luke 2.33. And here's another.