(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) This covetous envy attitude that just says well everybody should be poor because I'm poor or I should get paid $20 an hour to sweep the floor or whatever. No you're not a skilled laborer, get some skills. And if you don't want to get skills then you have two other options. This is, here let me just give you some life lessons. Here's how you make money in this world, okay? Number one you can be a criminal. You'll make money. Now I'm not recommending that. I'm just telling you there are people who sell drugs and you know and do you know banking scams and things. There are people who make money being an organized criminal. That's one option. You can work for the devil and be a criminal and steal and cheat and lie and you'll make good money doing that. But eventually your sins will find you out. It's going to catch up to you, okay? Here's another way to make good money. Get some skills and become a skilled laborer. Get some education, skills, learn something, become a valuable worker in some way, shape or form. That's one option. You say well you know I just can't get any skills. I'm just completely unskilled. Okay well here's another option. You can work super hard. Work two jobs, three jobs. You say okay well I don't like that lifestyle because that's too many hours and I can't do that. Okay well then here's a fourth option you can do. You can do a job that's unskilled and it doesn't cause a million hours or anything but it's an unsavory job. Like for example you know let's say you're doing a garbage truck or something where you're around a lot of just dirty smells and it's kind of a crummy job but you know a lot of times those guys can get paid a pretty decent wage just because of the fact that they're doing jobs that other people don't really want to do. And look if you work in that kind of a job I have nothing but respect for you. In fact I respect all jobs equally as long as you're not dishonest or a criminal. If you're going out and working by the sweat of your face I respect you. And if you're a white collar guy or a blue collar guy or a garbage collector I respect you the same. And I can say that from the bottom of my heart I mean that. I think that any job and if my children grow up and shovel dung you know and that's how they support their family I respect them. I love them and I'll be proud of them as long as they're godly Christians that shovel dung. No shame in that at all. There are ways to get ahead my friend there are ways to make money but you got to work hard and you got to suffer and there are people that don't know what it's like to ever work all night. They've never done it. There are people who've never worked 30 hours straight. There are people who've never stayed late gotten there early. They're always going well I'm not going to do that I got to go drinking. I'm not going to do that you know. I mean hey hey I know you just worked eight hours but can you drive four hours and drop this thing off. No way man. And then it's like you wonder why you don't get ahead. Sometimes you got to bite the bullet and suffer and bleed and sweat and push yourself and get it done. And there are two kinds of people there are the people who just get it done and then the people who just the hedge of thorns mentality.