(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) People who get proud and lifted up they destroy their lives and what this shows us here is that you know God uses humble people right and that God uses you know I think it's it's it's no it's not a coincidence that God chose a married man to lead his people okay God chose a grown man who had some experience had some humility to lean his people and what that should tell us is that God doesn't use young punks to lean his people and God doesn't use you know all these and look I know there's single young guys in here that are good guys you know I'm not trying to just blast every every single guy in here right but there's a lot of young single guys out there that are just punks and they think they've got it all figured out they think they've got no better than everybody else and they're gonna tell all these pastors how to do things they're gonna disagree with what the pastor is doing and the decision he makes they're gonna go online and just spout that run their mouth and just tell everybody how ever wrong this pastor is wrong this pastor is not saved just on and on and on and they're just a bunch of young punks and they're full of pride and that's not who God uses God doesn't use young punks you know you got these young guys that you know want to tell dads how they should run their house so I don't think he did it he didn't handle that situation correctly well you know what that's funny because you know you haven't raised anything besides an eyebrow you know I what have you done with your life well I'm gonna tell you what's wrong with the church and how the church should be run and you can't even run a dishwasher you know you're gonna come in and tell us how to run a church they're young punks and God doesn't use young punks and everybody starts out young but not everybody has to be a punk all right what's a punk you know this rebel kind of attitude just you know gonna buck the system go against the grain you know it no what you need to be is as humble obedient and and and be a blessing you know you know there's a reason why God uses grown mature seasoned men to lead his people because that's what it takes you know the Bible says for if a man know not how to rule his own house how shall he take care of the Church of God and if you haven't run a house you know your novice leader at best you know when it comes to running things God uses humble men to lead his people I mean we look at Moses probably like the greatest leader that ever was you know besides Christ you know he was a great leader but what was he was the meekest of all men upon the earth he didn't have this puffed up attitude