(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) verse 12 for the priesthood being changed there's made of a necessity a change of the law also now notice there he didn't say that the priesthood was done away that's not what he said he said the priesthood was changed okay and of course we understand from Hebrew 7 that that change is that Christ has now become our high priest he is the he is the high priest after the order of makizdek that is the change that has taken place Jesus is our high priest in heaven okay now the high priest job in the Old Testament was to minister you know on behalf of the people unto the Lord okay that was the nature of that job that was what they were to do now that that part of that job hasn't changed I know Jesus is in heaven you know and and he and he makes prayers and intercessions for us but you know as far as you know the the day-to-day stuff that we have to deal with the nitty-gritty of just living life here on earth the practical matters you know Jesus doesn't come down here and teach us those things personally you know he doesn't come down here and and teach us all the things that we have questions about he's actually given us ministers that do that on his behalf okay just like you kind of had the high priest in the Old Testament and you know he had certain duties and then the other Levites they had you know I guess you could call them lesser duties you know there was only the high priest was the only one that was allowed to go into the holiest of holies once a year you know and then the other priests they had the more day-to-day stuff you know attending to the altar cleaning things up taking up and setting down the tabernacle so on and so forth so yet the the priesthood has changed in the sense that Jesus has now become our high priest but we have ministers here in the local church you know the way Christ ministers our high priest ministers to us is of course through the Bible and the Holy Spirit but a big component of the way he ministers to us is through the local church is through the ministers that are in the local church that's what you know in Ephesians chapter 4 you know it says in verse 8 when he wherefore he saith when he ascended up on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men and it says he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and some teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ that's the reason for the local church that's why God has given you know preachers and teachers to the local church is for the edifying of the body of Christ now you say where are you going with this well just like the Levitical priesthood in the Old Testament you know they were flesh and blood human beings and they had physical needs you know that's why God gave them the tithe of the tithes of the people to support them so that they could be wholly devoted to those duties that were given only to them you know that's the you know you could make that same application today to the New Testament Church you know the those that are ministering in Christ's stead you know those that are ministering on our high priests behalf we still have physical needs you know we like the Levites still have families to raise mouths to feed you know had to put clothes on people have to put roofs over people's heads you know have to pay for midwives and all these other things right we have these needs these haven't gone away in fact Paul he goes on and he even cites if you would go over to 1st Corinthians chapter 9 and people you know they'll get upset and say well you know I just don't understand why we need to tithe you know why is that commanded why you know you're just insisting on it because you know you just you just want to take it easy or something now look are there ministers out there that are just all about making money and and and taking it easy and not doing the work of the ministry sure there are you know but not in this church and not a lot of other churches that I know you know there there are ministers who are serious about the work of the ministry you know and they are the Bible says that they are worthy of double honor you know that we should you know be we should be willing to communicate with with such because it is work you know the ministry at the end of the day is work if you're doing it right it's work it's not it's not easy it's a it's a job like anybody others any any other job that's out there any other person that has a job it's the same thing you know there's still the mundane duties that have to get done there's still all the you know the the the fine print that has to get taken care of you know that the checks that have to be written the bills that have to be paid you know and people you know have to understand and I and I don't this is you know this crowd probably isn't among you know struggling with this you know but people need to understand you know that the tithe is important because of the fact that those are some nice chairs are sitting on right I think they're pretty comfortable you know if you were here when the old chairs were here you'd really appreciate those tears right you know we're shipping those things out we're getting rid of them or send them to the other side of the country you know get those things away from us right but you know what those chairs weren't free you know and I didn't pay for them you know pastor Anderson didn't pay for him you know who paid for him the church paid for him and how did they pay for it through the tithe right it's not just going all towards someone's salary you know and making sure that they're taken care of they have what they need but it also allows us to do a lot of other things for the Lord to make you know you know have nice murals have a nice big building put a foosball table in the back have some you know place for people to go fellowship we have a lot of nice things because of the tithe so you can see you know tithing is very important you know and here's the thing we could have church without the tithe you know if everyone just wanted to quit tithing just said you know what brother Corbin's wrong you know he makes no sense where that I don't see it in Scripture you know tithing in the New Testament is done away and everyone just says you know what we're not gonna tithe anymore you know we could still have church you know but we just wouldn't do it in here you know maybe we just have to start having smaller groups and meeting in different people's houses and and and use their electricity and use their internet and use you know their printer and their paper and and so on and so forth and on and on and on there are many other expenses that the church incurs and that's what the tithe is used for so it's it's very practical and it's foolish to think that there's people out there that actually have a problem with this and well you know the at the end of the day the reason people pick on tithing is because of the fact that if you can if you have a problem with tithing you say you know tithing is a deal-breaker for me like I'm not gonna go to church they they practice tithing I think you've pretty much just ruled out every church there is I mean maybe there's some obscure church out there where they don't have tithing and maybe it's just like six dudes in a living room somewhere calling it church it's not you know they're all pastors or they're all whatever they're all have a title or something like that you know they're not really doing anything for the Lord they're just getting together and talking about tithing every Sunday or something why they don't do it and pat on something but you know that kind of thing is out there but that's not a legitimate church so when you say well I just don't go anywhere and there's people out there that are like this they just say oh I'm not gonna go to any church that practices tithing because I'm just against it like and they think it's like the greatest evil that's ever been perpetuated upon mankind you know that somebody would insist on tithing to pay for the salaries to pay for the bills just to make the place run and function like it's just this great tragedy that's like and really it's insulting to so many people's intelligence I mean any anyone with half a brain could figure this out and basically when you're telling you're saying well no what the Bible doesn't teach that they just kind of just paint with this broad brush and just say you know everybody that believes in that just must be stupid to not understand that and it's actually insulting