(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, so in 1 Chronicles chapter 16 begin reading verse 15 where it says be mindful always, be mindful always of his confidence the words which he commanded to a thousand generations even of the covenant which he made with Abraham and of his oath unto Isaac and hath confirmed the same to Jacob for a law and to Israel for an everlasting covenant saying unto thee will I give the land of Canaan the lot of your inheritance when you were but few even a few and strangers in it and when they went from nation to nation and from one kingdom to another people he suffered no man to do them wrong he reproved kings for their sake saying touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm and that last phrase there he says touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm you know it's a very familiar phrase it's something we'll probably have heard if we've been in Baptist churches and often when it's cited it's talking about the fact that we are as God's people are protected by the Lord you know because we are the anointed we'll see that in a minute and even beyond that you know it says touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm you know the prophet of God the man of God is somebody that you don't want to mess with and it's not because you know he's all bad or he's some bad dude or something it's because of the fact that God protects such people that God oversees them and go to Genesis chapter 20 verse 1 and as I was listening the scripture being read I'm just thinking about how you know several times that passage the Bible saying fear the Lord you know fear God for he's a he's a God to be feared above all gods and why is that it's because God is not just this passive observer up in heaven God cares about his anointed God cares about his prophets he looks into them he watches them he protects them and he also avenges them and we'll see that in a minute as well and here in this passage you know he's specifically talking about several people one of them you know two of them being the patriarchs Abraham and Isaac and he says there that when they went from nation to nation from one King to another he suffered no man to do them wrong and he reproved kings for their sakes and if you look at Genesis chapter 21 verse 1 you see what he's referring to chapter Genesis chapter 20 verse 1 it says and Abraham journeyed from thence toward the south country and dwelled between Kadesh and Shur and Sodom and Gerar and Abraham said of Sarah his wife she is my sister an Abimelech king of Gerar sent and took Sarah but God came to Abimelech in a dream by night and said and said to him behold thou art but a dead man you know so here is he's messing with you know his prophet his anointed the man of God he you know unknowingly unwittingly obviously Abraham has a little bit of the blame but God is still protecting him and one of the words that he says to him thou art a dead man you know it's a very you know that's not exactly you know when the Lord comes and speaks to you that's not what you want to hear you know you want to hear from God those usually aren't the words that you would expect to hear or want to hear and it says there but hold thou art but a dead man for the woman's thou has taken for she is a man's wife but Abimelech had not come near come near her and he said Lord without slay also a righteous nation said he not unto me she is my sister and she even herself said he is my brother saying look I was fooled I'm blameless here in the integrity of my heart and innocence of my hands have I done this and God said unto him in a dream yea I know that thou did this did this in the integrity of thine heart for I also withheld thee from sinning against me therefore I suffered thee not to touch her now therefore restore the man his wife for he is a prophet and he shall pray for thee and thou shalt live so the man of God you know Abraham the prophet here just by just by you know the nature of being a man of God you know he can have a profound effect on somebody's life and the way that he is treated you know he's saying look you mess with the the the prophet you know Abraham you're a dead man but then you know once he kind of clears things up and he confesses and it becomes obvious that you know he's not the King isn't going to harden his heart and go through with it he says hey go see the problem you know he is a prophet he shall pray for thee and thou shalt live and if you thou restore her not know that thou shalt surely die so he however he's gonna handle the situation is gonna have some pretty severe consequences you know in his life or you know the the non-existence of it you know and the same thing happens of course you know you should have had you keep something first Corinthians 16 if you want to go back there and then of course if you know the story the same thing happens again with Isaac he goes into a land you know he says sue his wife say thou art my sister for you know the same reasons and another King a bit takes her and and it's found out you know that that is indeed his wife and he gives her back and what what is he doing he's not touching God's anointed he's not doing his prophets any harm so that's what first Corinthians 16 is referring to there but notice also in this passage that this covenant was not only for was also to Israel for an everlasting covenant it says in verse 17 and he hath confirmed the same to Jacob for a law and to Israel for an everlasting covenant so this was a covenant that God has made with Israel and of course you know that's that nation has ceased and today we are that we are the people of God we are the Israel of God we are the chosen of God if we have the faith of Abraham so you know this is an everlasting covenant because it applies to us today as well and what we could take from that is that as long as God's anointed are up on this earth as long as there is a prophet of God on this earth they have the promise that God is going to protect them and avenge them against their enemies