(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The world is not going to help you in your relationship with God. And this is why you have to be so careful about the people that you listen to in the world. And it's so easy today to just pick up a smartphone, just get on the internet, and just start listening to some buffoon who might sound maybe like he's saying something good, but if he's an unsaved man, he doesn't have the Spirit of God, he can't know the things of God. There's foolishness unto him, the Bible says. When it comes to how to live your life, how to raise your kids, how to have a marriage, how to live a life that's pleasing to God that's going to bring you peace and joy and life, they don't know how to do it. The worst possible people are popular, easily accessible. Andrew Tate, he's in jail now. How many guys are following that guy? How many people listen to a guy like that and think, oh yeah, that guy knows what he's talking about. Or Joe Rogan, they can't teach you how to live. I mean, it should be obvious with Andrew Tate, the same guy who said, reading books is a waste of time. I don't read books, I think they're a waste of time. I know everything about everything because of my life. Now he's walking around with a crayon under his arm. I thought books were for dumb people. Turns out Andrew Tate might have been honest on there.