(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) When you grew up Catholic, which probably most of you did, and you were bowing down to these idols, like Mary and Peter and whatever, saints, or I would like to say gods that you were bowing down to, you know what you were bowing down to? Devils, sacrificing on the devils. Explain to me what the difference is between Hindus that call it a god and Catholics that call it a saint. You bow down to it, you pray to it, you think that that idol is gonna help you out. I mean, you are bowing down and sacrificing to a devil according to the word of God. You are not bowing down and worshiping God Almighty when you do that. They sacrificed unto devils, not to God, to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not. I mean, the Bible says here, new gods that came newly up. So they enter into a town, and then they look at this big idol. It looks kinda cool. Maybe we should worship this also. Look, it is wicked and sinful to bow down to false idols.