(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I say, well, if you really believe you're gonna have worse. I say, okay, well, let me ask you this question. Do you believe that drinking Coca-Cola is unhealthy? Everybody always says yes. Do you drink Coca-Cola? Everybody always says yes. Everybody believes that exercise is healthy, right? Does that mean you exercise every day? Everybody believes that eating junk food's bad for you. Does that mean that you never eat junk food? There's a million things we believe and don't do. Because you can believe something and you still have free will whether you're gonna do it or not. I wish that everything I believed I automatically did. I wish it was easy to do everything that I believed. But the reality is there's plenty of things that I believe and I know I should do. It doesn't mean I do them. Do you really believe that most people that smoke think that smoking's healthy? I mean, people are addicted to smoking and they know it's destroying them. They know it's expensive. They know it's horrible. They know it's destroying their relationship with their family and people they know. Guess what? They can't stop. Why? Because you can believe things without having works associated. And guess what? You can believe on Christ and not do what he says.