(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You say, Pastor, why do you think that God allowed Jonathan to be killed? Because he became the enemy of God. That's why. Because of the fact, when push came to shove, he was not willing to make a choice and honestly, he really sided with Saul, not David. Because you know what, in situations where you got to take a side, sometimes there's actions that come along with that, like where are you going to live, and if he was going to side with David, that meant he was going to dwell in the wilderness with David. Now look, does anybody want to dwell in the wilderness? Of course not. Let me be honest with you, here's what I would like for my life. No problems, no stress, no difficulty, everybody loves me, everybody thinks highly of me, everything in my life is just going perfect, but is that the way it is when you serve God? No it's not. And here's the thing, when you try to side on both sides, you know what takes place? Now you're the enemy of God.