(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, why is it that someone would pretend to be like a sheep when they're actually a wolf? Because this is kind of strange to me, because I would not go to a Mormon church and pretend to be like a Mormon. People are like, are you Mormon? It's like, no, I'm a Baptist. Not all white religious people are Mormons, okay? You know, it's like, I'm not going to go to a Muslim mosque and pretend to be Muslim. I'm not going to go to a Hindu temple and pretend to be a Hindu. So it's kind of strange that people would come to a church like this and pretend to be like us when they're not. But see, the reason why they're doing it is because they want to take advantage of the sheep. That's the reason why a wolf would pretend to be like a sheep. They're just there to devour the sheep. In a literal sense, if a wolf dressed like a sheep and could deceive sheep, then it would just eat and destroy all the sheep. The wolf would basically be at a buffet.