(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now look, the Bible is not saying that the outward appearance doesn't mean anything. Obviously, we should try to look nice. We should take care of ourselves. But here's the thing, more important to your husband than whether or not you focus on the outside is whether or not you have a meek and quiet spirit on the inside, whether or not you're reading the Bible, whether or not you're being a godly person. Now, of course, when you get married to someone, one aspect of marriage is that you're attracted to them. Obviously, you ought to be attracted to the person that you get married to. But here's the thing, beauty fades, whether it's for women or men. This is the way it works. It's like the sun rising and setting. We kind of hit our peak and then it's all downhill. Here's the thing, if you're focusing so much on the outside, which is going to fade, I mean, you're foolish because the inside is going to shine through. So if your inside is rotten and rebellious and brawling and bitter, that is going to come out and it does not matter how attractive you are, it's going to cause your husband to despise you in his heart.