(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Explain to me why half of Filipinos listen to Elie Soriano all the time. It's like, well, I'm Catholic, but I love to listen to brother Elie. You realize he's not a Catholic. It's like, why are you listening to him? I don't get it because number one, I don't particularly find him interesting, and I don't particularly find him wise. His voice kind of annoys me, to be honest. But so many people love to listen. I mean, he's just so intelligent. And it's like, you don't agree with what he's saying, though. Like, why are you listening to him? So what I would say is, you know what? If you're going to listen to someone, you better make sure they are a good source of information on any topic. I think it's great to educate yourself and learn. And quite honestly, if you can listen to people that already know a lot about a subject, they can teach you a lot. But make sure that your source of information is a good source of information.