(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. The Bible says the Word was made flesh. What does that show us? It shows us that Jesus Christ, when he was here, he was not only God, but he was human as well. Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man. You say, Brother Stuckey, can you explain that to me, like a math problem? No, I can't, because it doesn't make logical sense to me. Let me explain something to you. I could not stand up here. I've read the Bible plenty of times, but I could not stand up here and explain to you logically where did God come from? You know why? Because that goes way over my head. Obviously we know God, we're here, so obviously God's real. He's always existed, it makes sense. But can we really explain that, like where did God come from? I remember when I was a kid and I asked my parents that question. Maybe a lot of people in this room asked their parents that question as well. Where did God come from? I'm sure my son one day is gonna ask me, no, Dad, you're a preacher. You love the Lord. Obviously you're gonna be able to explain this one. No, it's not like a math problem. I'm not gonna be able to explain where did God come from. Obviously we believe what the Bible says that in the beginning was the Lord and in the beginning was God. God's always existed, he's eternal. We know that, we know we're here. It makes logical sense. But realize this, that the atheists can't explain where we came from either. They could mock us and say, where did God come from? Well, where did anything that you believe come from? Where did the rocks come from that made us? Where did this big bang come from? Where did the stuff come to make the big bang? They don't have an explanation. Now, the thing about it is, me not having a logical math problem tied to explanation is okay. Why? Because of the fact if God's real and God is obviously powerful and above me, he wouldn't be much of a God if I fully comprehended him with my own human wisdom, right? He wouldn't be that powerful of a God if I just fully got it. Look, there's certain things about God I will never understand and never be able to explain. How he was fully God and fully man, I cannot explain that. But you know what? The Bible teaches that. Amen. And I believe that because the Bible teaches that. You know someone who.