(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now a lot of people get confused because they see at the end of verse 21, it says, He that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. So people say, well see, going to church is not enough. Believing is not enough. You've got to do the will of the Father if you want to get into heaven. That's what people say. Now when it comes to doing the will of God, obviously there's a multitude of things that we need to do to do God's will. But what does it start with? It starts with believing on Christ. The will of the Father is to believe on Christ. And these people, they think they're doing all these things for God. I mean, I preached in your name, right? I gave money to charity and did all these things. And then Jesus is like, you didn't even believe on me. That's step number one. You didn't do the will of the Father. And unfortunately, there are people that are in church their entire life, in Baptist churches even. They've gone to church every week. They've given money. They've given their first fruits offering or second fruits or whatever, you know. It's like they did everything the church asked them, but they never actually believed on Christ with their whole heart to get saved.