(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) One thing to keep in mind is, these people that are begging for mercy, this is at the Great White Throne Judgment. Now of course, those that are at the Great White Throne Judgment, it doesn't matter what good things they've done in their life, that doesn't outweigh the bad. And they're not going to get any rewards for anything good they've done, or lighten their sentence for the sins they committed. They're on trial for the sins they've committed, and they're going to be punished for each and every one of them. Us that are saved, we go to the judgment seat of Christ. And anything bad you've ever done is not held against you. It's only that what you've done that is good, that you're getting rewarded for. So if you were to look at my life at the judgment seat of Christ, you know what you're going to see? Any works that I do are just the will of the Father. You're not going to see any sins that I've committed. All you're going to see is good things. So as a saved person, you get punished in this life for breaking God's rules, but spiritually speaking, all you can do is good in terms of getting rewards. But someone who's unsaved, someone who never believes, they're just going to be held accountable for everything bad they've done.