(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) People will accuse us in 2023 of being Pharisees. They'll say what are you a Pharisee? Like you'll say hey you know what you know we shouldn't drink. Hey are you a Pharisee? What do you mean by that? It's like the problem with the Pharisees is they said one thing and they did another. Here's the thing. I preach against drinking alcohol. Guess what I do not do? Drink alcohol. So how am I a hypocrite? I preach against rock music. Guess what I do not listen to? I don't listen to rock music. That doesn't make me a hypocrite. Now be honest every single person in the world including myself yeah we're all hypocrites sometimes because even Paul said you know the things I say I do not and we're all guilty of that sometimes. So yeah I'm not claiming to be perfect on everything I preach but here's the thing what makes you a Pharisee is when you willingly and brazenly commit sins that you preach against.