(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) There are people in Sacramento, California when our church was protested by the LGBT and there are people that were members of the church, people that we're friends with. We had been to their house, they had been to ours, we had eaten together, fellowshiped together, gone soul winning with, and once the protest happened, they hit the door running. Now, were they bad people? No. They're good people, they're nice people, but here's the reality, as close of friends as we were with them, it just kind of fades out over time. There's probably people you know in your life, people that you used to be pretty close to, you were kind of on the same page religiously and they kind of just went a different direction or didn't go all in serving God, and you know what you find? You just don't miss them as much. You're just not as close. I mean, look, I'm far closer to people that are part of our church that I'm here around all the time and talking to you and fellowshiping and going soul winning with than people that did love God, but they're kind of just neutral. And here's the reality. Unfortunately, there's a lot more Jonathans in this world than there are Davids. I promise you, David felt a lot closer to those 600 men than he did Jonathan.