(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And look, to say you believe in Genesis 1, that does not make you stupid. And here's the thing about this, if you say you believe what the Bible says, they'll mock you, they'll laugh at you, saying, is that what you believe? I mean, all the smart people believed it. But saying you believe the Bible does not make you dumb. It does not make you ignorant. You might have, you know, medical stances you take in your life, like, I'm not gonna do that. You know, I think it's against what the Bible says, and people mock at you, like, well, you don't know what you're talking about, you didn't go to school to study this, you're not educated. No, no, here's the thing, I'm not brainwashed. That's the difference. I'm not brainwashed by what the world is trying to teach me. What I do is I wake up, I read the Bible, and I do believe that every bit of knowledge I need is found in this book. It will teach me all manner of things. And we can read this book, and what does it make you? It makes you a wise person. Whereas these people are a bunch of fools, a bunch of idiots that are being promoted by ungodly people as being geniuses, when in reality, they're just fools according to the Word of God.