(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You say why is this important? Well, here's why it's important because well first off all of the Bible is important But here's the thing One of the things I've heard because what I'm saying is that it's not always best to be more hardcore And I'm not standing in judgment against any church. Every church is making their decisions. That's fine But one of the big things I've heard people say is well if you're not willing to stand right now You're not gonna stand during the end times. Oh, actually during the end times. You're supposed to be wise as serpents the Bible says Look if they're gonna arrest you, you know what you do? You don't just stand there and say well I'm ready to be arrested and killed actually you try to escape so you can preach the gospel for another 70 days You don't just stand there and just say okay. I'm gonna I don't care. I'll be arrested and become a martyr. No, actually Yeah, I'm not saying to hide in the woods. But what I'm saying is yeah, you should try to avoid being killed You shouldn't just stand there and let yourself get killed because there's people you can get saved during the Great Tribulation As we saw on Wednesdays what we've seen is this that even during the beginning of sorrows there's a place prepared in the wilderness Yeah, we're gonna be on the run from governments that want to kill us no matter where we live That's the way it's gonna be they're gonna organize into this system and even more so after the abomination of desolation And yeah, you don't just stand there saying just take me and kill me. No you try to escape From the police that are gonna kill you that's not being watered down That's being wise Okay, and look I think if we really think about it. I don't believe during the Great Tribulation We're gonna be going door-to-door soul-winning. I don't believe we're gonna be meeting for church I believe we're gonna be running for our lives and be given opportunities by God to preach the gospel So this idea well if you're not taking a stand now against this government during the end times, you're not gonna take a stand That's not what the end time is gonna be like We just saw in Mark 13 in Matthew 10 to be wise as serpents Beware of men and yes the Bible saying be careful Don't try to get your head chopped off Don't be what he's not saying to be what be watered down, but what he's saying is yeah You know what you should try to avoid being killed Because of the fact you want to preach the gospel and look when you study that out in Matthew 10 It's referring to the end times because that whole passage is Parallel to Mark chapter 13 and that phrase and if you don't think that's about the end times I guess my question to you would be what does it mean by he that endureth to the end the same shall be saved because I have an easy answer to that. Yeah, if you endure through the Great Tribulation, you're gonna be raptured It will spare you from physically being killed. Okay, that's what the Bible is saying. So look during the end times The determination of whether or not you're gonna serve God or not is have you been serving God your whole life? Okay. Look I've been soul winning since I was 19 years old. I'm 35 years old now. That's over 15 years Okay, Pastor Jimenez has been soul winning probably since he was before he was saved Alright his entire life. I mean when he was in the womb He wasn't even born and he was so any mean Pastor Anderson's been so winning for 20 years Okay, the idea. Well, you're just not gonna serve God your water down I don't really see a biblical basis for that Especially as you're trying to link it to the end times because that just doesn't hold water When in the end times you're it says beware of men be wise as serpents they're gonna deliver you up now What he does say is that you will end up getting delivered up if you avoid it You know and try to preach the gospel you still could get arrested. Absolutely There will be many people that will be martyred as it mentions in the book of Revelation With you know in the fifth seal in Revelation chapter 6. Yes, people are going to be martyred But it doesn't mean you should try to be martyred Look if the government says that if you show up at this building for your you know 10 a.m. Service and we will kill every single person that shows up and there's 50 people waiting with a shotgun You know what? It's probably not the wisest thing to me and during the end times That's what it's gonna be like now if you want to die in that battlefield because it's more hardcore you go for it Okay, but I don't believe that's what you see in the Bible with the end times What I see is people are gonna be on the run for their lives and yeah, we're expected to preach the gospel but it's gonna be more chaotic than just Organizing and then having lunch after a couple hours of soul winning. No, it's kind of every man for himself sort of thing That's the way it's going to be during the end times and I personally believe it's really hard to even kind of tell what it's Gonna be like unless we're actually there but look, you know according the Bible You should be wise as serpents in reference to the end times as well Matthew 10 verse 23 I Still don't think this is referring to the end times. Well Matthew 10 verse 23 I think case closed in this verse but when they persecute you in this city flee into another For verily I say unto you shall not have gone over the cities of Jerusalem till The Son of Man become what's that referring to? I believe it's referring to the rapture What's verse 22 referring to enduring to the end? I believe it's referring to enduring through the Great Tribulation You're gonna be saved as in raptured and you won't physically being killed What did it say in verse 23 three if they persecute you in this city? Just stay there and die on the battlefield. Is that what it said in verse 23? That's more hardcore. Is that what it says? No, it says flee He into another and fleeing means you're running for your life like you're scared like the government's gonna kill you because you know what? That is what we're gonna be doing during the end times It's like and look if you want to just say well I'm just gonna stay in this city where they're gonna kill me and just not preach the gospel for the last You know a couple months before the rapture then I guess that's up to you, but I would say this that that's not biblical It's actually the wrong choice actually being Wiser and less hardcore is a better choice according to Matthew 10 verses 22 and 23 now