(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know sometimes you see this in churches I'm glad that we are not this type of church but a lot of churches you go to most people don't go soul-winning and What takes place as the culture of the church is that if you are a soul winner you get? criticized by the non soul winners The people that don't go soul winning criticize you they criticize for how you did it They say well, you're just doing that to promote yourself They'll say everything under the Sun to try to bring you down, and it's like well newsflash. It's your own deficiency That's making you envious That's the reason why they're criticizing They're criticizing because they know they should be doing this and they're too lazy or they have fear and What you're gonna find in life is that when people are envious at other people it's usually Because they aren't good enough Because that other person is probably better than them Now I'm not saying that is always the reason for why envy Starts as I said, this is not a doctrinal view, but this is for the life of King Saul Why is it King Saul gets envious because David's better than him because Saul's not good enough Because Saul did wrong It's not David's fault. It's your fault Saul. It's your deficiency. It's your weakness It's because you were unwilling to follow what God said