(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Sometimes you've got to be the better person. And here's the thing, if you're at a church like ours and you're going soul winning, you're hearing the preaching, you're reading the Bible, you should be growing both in knowledge and grace. And this is not an easy thing to do, but as you're drawing close to God, you should be able to turn the other cheek and let other people win in situations and just avoid the fights and be kind and be nice. Why? Because you want to be at peace with people. Now, of course, it says, if it be possible, because as a Bible-believing Christian, there are going to be times people hate you for your beliefs. There are going to be times when you're a nice person and you try to do everything correct and people still are mad at you because you're not a Catholic, right? You try to be as nice as you can to your family and you've left Catholicism, they might just stay mad at you because you're not going to Catholic church. And that's, of course, the situation while you do right. You go to a good church, you read the Bible, and you've rejected Catholicism, but they might be mad at you for it.