(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So, according to Paul, is it more important to do well to the unsaved or the saved? To the saved. Especially unto them who are of the household of faith. Now, you know, this makes sense to me because when it comes to my kids, I want my kids to do well to all other kids, but especially onto their literal brothers and sisters. I'm more concerned with Zeph being nice to Christabel and Ezra than I am being nice to the other kids. Now, of course, I want both, but as a parent, I'm more concerned with peace inside my house, right? And the same is true with God where God says, you know what, even above the unsaved. And look, we love soul winning, we go out and try to get the lost saved, we believe in that. Obviously, I preach on soul winning quite a bit, but more important is actually doing well to your brothers and your sisters in Christ, according to Paul the Apostle. So absolutely be zealous for soul winning, but do not forget the zeniality and friendliness to your brothers and sisters in Christ.