(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Saved people in the Bible don't always live good lives. I mean, people want to criticize... They're like, well, that's your interpretation of the verses. Well, let's just look at story. Noah gets so drunk that he's declothed. He's not wearing any clothes. I mean, he's naked and drunk. Does anybody want to stand up here and say, well, I don't know if Noah was saved when he got drunk. Well, Noah wasn't saved. So God spared Noah from the worldwide flood, but he wasn't saved until after the flood. That's ridiculous. David, though, is the most obvious example. I mean, you're looking at the guy who was spared by Saul. He's a man after God's own heart, and then he commits adultery, and then Bathsheba gets pregnant. He tries to cover it up by getting Uriah drunk and getting him to sleep with his wife, so you're getting another man drunk, and then all of a sudden you're putting him to death. And the Bible holds him responsible for murder because he put him on a kamikaze mission. So he's guilty of adultery and murder, and yet he was saved.