(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But one thing that I think is often missing that fathers do not realize, where they are very unambitious, it's not just having money while you're working and your kids are growing up, but have you prepared your kid to be their own providers one day? It's one thing to give them money and help out, but are your kids growing up having the skills and abilities that when they're 20 years old, someone is going to pay them for the skills and abilities and experience that they have? Or are you just babying your kids year after year and they're never growing up? Are you actually preparing your sons to be their own providers? Because there's going to come a day when my son has to work and provide for himself and you know what, I'm not going to be able to do it for him. He's going to have to do it. Are your kids learning and developing the skills and abilities where people will actually pay them?