(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) When I was in college, though, I remember there's like this Facebook group. It's like, why can't I have a love like The Notebook? The movie The Notebook was like the biggest book that every girl was like obsessed with. And they think it's like the greatest love ever. I seem to remember in the movie that the two of them are together. They get separated for years. And he goes out and sleeps with woman after woman after woman. And she's engaged to another guy. And then after just sleeping around with all these people, then they come back together. That sounds like a great romance. Is that what you want in your life? That the person you married has just slept around with like 50 different people? Why can't I have a love like The Notebook? See, the world is lying to you. And people believe this. They buy this. Hey, just go in college. And before you settle down, just sleep around until you find the right person. Now, actually, I'm just kind of happy just meeting the right person and just only having been with one person in my life. That sounds like a much better romance than just sleeping around and sowing all your wild oats and then finally end up marrying someone.