(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know, magic is not a game or a joke. I mean, magic is a real thing where the devil can actually give powers. It's a pretty scary thing. It's like, yeah, people like Albularios or people like that as witch doctors and stuff like that, where people do have powers to do certain things. As Christians, you say, what do you do? Well, you completely stay away from it, but here's something. How about don't watch movies that are glorifying magic? Well, I mean, Harry Potter, he does the good magic. Yeah, did you know that's exactly what Albularios say too? And guess what voodoo doctors say? We don't practice black magic. We practice white magic. And I just think to myself, because if that's white magic, I'm really scared of what dark magic is. But it's all bad because it's not coming from God. It's from the power of the devil that they're doing this. sorcery has the death penalty in the old Testament and under God's perfect nation, that's what the law would be. So guess what? Yeah, every Albulario would be put to death. Every voodoo doctor would be put to death and Harry Potter, if he was real, he'd be put to death according to the word of God.