(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I'm saying Judas never got a single person saved. All of his fruit withered away. It was never actually someone that believed. Now here's the thing. I think Judas had a very good gospel presentation. Why? Because nobody could figure out he was bad. People heard him give the gospel. I mean if Judas is the one person that does not explain eternal security before praying, you'd be like, yeah, I mean I never thought he was getting anybody saved because he never actually explained completely that salvation is forever. I've experienced going soul-willing with someone who, at least in the new IFB realm, who was, you know, of prominence I guess. He was going to start a church. And I went soul-willing with him two weeks before it turned out he just denied the Trinity. And I'll tell you what. I heard him give the gospel. He had a very good gospel presentation. He said all the right things, all the right timing. It was very clear. Of course I would expect that person had prayed with a lot of people in their life because his gospel was very convincing. It was very good. And that's probably why he was so deceptive because people went with him and it sounded so convincing. It sounded so good when in reality he was a bad person all along. Because that's part of their cover.