(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now in the United States, you've got kind of two primary political parties. You've got the Republicans and you've got the Democrats. And when you think of the Republicans, they're known to be the conservatives and the Democrats are known to be the liberals. And so Joe Biden is a Democrat. He's a liberal is another way that you would describe it. Now, if you're liberal, that means you give of what you have. That's what being liberal actually is. So it's completely wrong when you say, Joe Biden's a liberal. Well, he's certainly not conservative, but he's not really liberal. Either because he doesn't give of what he has. He just gives of what other people have. Anyway, that is often, it's not just in the United States. This is what politicians do all over the world. It's like, look at how generous these politicians are. And they're generous because they take from other people via taxes and things like that. And then they give to other people. I mean, if they're really generous, they'd be taking of what they had to give to other people. That's what generosity would be. That's what being liberal would be.