(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, when you think about how Jews pray in today's world, what do you think of? You think of people going to the Wailing Wall, and what do they do? What are you doing? I mean, is that like a really bad old-fashioned dance? Why would they do that? They're doing their works to be seen of man. The term for it is shuckling, and it comes from Yiddish, but when they're doing this, what they're doing is shuckling. And if you read the philosophical idea, they're getting in rhythm with the prayer, which kind of tells me that the people that are originating this and really into it, they're probably possessed when they're doing that. And you know what? I believe that's why people do it. They just kind of follow the example of everybody else, because you're going to kind of stand out if you don't just do this also. And it's like, why would they possibly do that? They're doing their works to be seen of man.