(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And he says, out of the belly of hell, because obviously when Jesus Christ died, his soul went where? It went to hell. You say, well, why would his soul go to hell? Well, because of the fact, what is the punishment or penalty for our sins? The penalty for our sins is to suffer eternity in hell for each and every one of our sins. So if God took the place for us, which he did, that means his soul had to go to hell in order to pay for our sins. This is what the Bible is teaching us. And the Bible reiterates this in the New Testament. As Jonas was in the will's belly for three days and three nights, so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. And that's an interesting topic because that's one Catholics are right about. And it's the Baptists that are wrong. For whatever reason, in Baptist churches, it's become a big doctrine that no, no, no, Jesus, he didn't burn in, you know, hell to pay for our sins, even though the offerings in the Old Testament were burned, he was just in hell proclaiming victory, like we won, we won the battle. No, his soul went to hell for three days and three nights, just like the Bible said. And just like Jonah is prophesying about, and Jesus reiterates the story of Jonah to prove that point.