(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I want to just show you there's a lot of other theories for the origin of the universe and quite honestly they don't have any good theories so one of the things that science is throwing out there is maybe the universe is eternal. There is no eternal God but the universe has always existed. Now that doesn't make any logical sense but a lot of people teach that. One religion that teaches that is a religion of Jainism. Jainism explains the detailed reason behind everything that is happening in this world by practical and scientific means. According to Jainism no one has created this universe and each happening in this universe is a result of five things which are karma, kaal that is time, suabhav that is nature, pursharth that is effort and niyati that is destiny. So according to them hey it doesn't make sense where did God come from and since we cannot answer that it must be the universe has always existed. Yeah that makes a lot of logical sense that this universe has always existed right.