(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, you'll have Calvinists that will say verses like Romans 3, which says there's none that seeketh after God, and they'll say, no unsaved person ever seeks after God. I don't believe that for one second. Now, they're not going to seek after God on their own unless God is drawing them. But look, before I was saved, I was seeking after the truth. And you know what takes place when you seek after the truth? You find it. Seek and ye shall find the Bible. Now, the way that you find may be different than you think, because here's the thing. If you seek after the truth, you're not going to get saved on your own. And see, when we're going out soul winning, we are running into people that are seeking after the truth, but they're not finding it, and we're like, there's Jesus right there. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. It's that simple. And so nobody can get saved just on their own. They're seeking, and they come to the truth. But you know what takes place when you're seeking after the truth? You stumble across the truth somehow. Maybe you stumble across our church. Maybe a soul winner knocks your door. However it would be. The Bible says if you seek, you're going to find.