(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You say, what if there's this option where a person 100% truly believes, and they realize that Jesus is the only one, but they just will not call upon the Lord to save them? Impossible! Why do you say that? John 4, verse 10. The Bible's saying, if you know what the gift is and who's giving it, you'll ask for it. It's really that simple. An example we can think of is somebody drowning in water. Let's say somebody's drowning in water and they know they're going to die. They're in the middle of the ocean, and they see somebody right there that they know 100% can save them. But it's like, you know what, I refuse to ask for help. That's ridiculous. I mean, anybody, if they get thrown overboard, whether they see anybody or not, what are they doing? Help! Help! Save me! Because the Bible's very clear in John 3.16 that every single person that believes is going to go to heaven. No doubt about that. There's nobody that truly believes that is going to end up in hell. But see, here's the thing, if someone does truly believe, in general, they're just going to call.