(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But here's the thing. The question is, how do we stop it at the root cause? How do we prevent ourselves from being angry at all? Notice what the Bible says in Galatians 5 verse 22. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. Against such, there is no law. The Bible speaks in Galatians 5 about walking in the Spirit. By walking in the flesh versus walking in the Spirit. And when you walk in the Spirit, one thing you have is temperance. What is temperance? It's self-control. You could apply that to food. You could apply that to entertainment. You could apply that to anger. Where basically you have control over your emotions. You have control over your anger. You have temperance. Where basically you're not easily provoked, as the Bible says. That's another thing the Bible says. Not easily provoked. You don't just easily get mad at the smallest little thing. Well, what's the answer in Galatians 5? Well, the answer is walking in the Spirit. How do you do that, Brother Stuckey? You do that by waking up and reading the Bible and spending time with God. Here's the truth. On days when you wake up and you don't spend any time with God, what's the result with your attitude during the day? It's not pretty, is it? You get very stressed. You get very angry. You get very mad. You're upset the entire day. You're prideful. You say horrible things. Why? Because you're walking in the flesh. It's that simple. Look, I strongly advise people, first thing in the morning, read your Bible. And this is one of the reasons why. Because if you don't, you're going to walk in the flesh. And you're going to easily get mad at everything that takes place. And lose your temper. And get angry. But what happens when you walk in the Spirit? Well, great peace have those that love thy law, and nothing shall offend them. Isn't this true? When you're close to God, and you're reading the Bible, and you're praying to God, and then something happens in your life, it's not that big of a deal to you. Nothing offends you. I mean, people could be rude to you. You're like, eh, maybe they're just having a bad day. But when we're walking in the flesh, the smallest little thing makes you mad. I said no lettuce on my burger. And then you're mad at the person that made a small mistake.