(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Before I got saved, I naturally assumed, probably like you did before you were saved, most people go to heaven, as long as they don't do something really bad. And then when I got saved, I realized, whoa, wait a minute. Most people don't even claim to be Christian. Most people are not going to heaven. And I knew these verses early on after I got saved. I was like, wow, most people are going to hell. But then you start realizing how narrow the pathway is that leads to life. You start realizing, no, wait a minute, I thought like 15% of people were saved and on their way to heaven. Now I'm thinking it's 10. You know, six months later, oh, actually it's lower than that. And then you start realizing it is actually very, very narrow. Very few people go to heaven percentage-wise.