(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And here's what I would say, I became zealous for soul winning, why? Because I saw the zeal of other people that were leading. And for many of you, you started coming to this church, and when you look at our church and think about our church, if there's one word that describes our church, that word would be soul winning. The only way you could dispute that is if you consider soul winning two words, because it's kind of a made up term by Baptists, winning souls, soul winning. So whether it's one word or two words, if you define our church in just one statement, it is soul winning. That is what our church is about, and the great thing is, when people come and they see that zeal, they just kind of get on board and do likewise. It's like, what are the activities of Verity Baptist Church in Manila? Soul winning, that's a big thing. Yeah, we have Christmas fellowship, Mother's Day event, Father's Day event, but it's like 90 plus percent of what our church is about, it's about soul winning. It's about getting people saved.