(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) There are things that are calling themselves science, things that are claiming to be knowledge, things that are claiming to be proven, and they're actually oppositions of true science. And look, these theories that we're seeing in this sermon series, they're oppositions of science. You say, well, how are they oppositions? Look, when they're saying the first two laws of thermodynamics don't apply, it's opposing real science. It's opposing the actual scientific laws that govern the universe that God created. And so they are opposing common sense. They're opposing logic. And Paul is not against science, but what is he saying to Timothy? You better make sure that the science you're getting is good science. You better make sure it's not going against actual real science. And, you know, it's a big problem when it goes against the Word of God. And make no mistake, the Big Bang and evolution and all of these things, life creating itself, they go against what the Word of God says.