(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) False prophets can often be very, very zealous with preaching the gospel. The Bible says they compass sea and land to make one proselyte. Now I want you to think about this logically. Let's say for example you're a bit backslidden. Don't you find it difficult to go soul winning when you're not right with God? It's hard. I can't stand up here and say I'm always perfectly right with God because I'll be honest, I go out soul winning even when I am right with God. There's sometimes there's groups I'm shy to approach and that sometimes in my head I'm quoting, the righteous are as bold as a lion, the righteous are as bold as a lion, and then I start talking to them. Because I mean I just get feelings like I'm afraid they don't seem like they'll be receptive, they might make fun of me. And we that are normal saved people, we do feel that way sometimes. Well here's the thing, if you're a bad person you don't really get those emotions like we do. So you can do something horrible and all of a sudden just boom, just go out and it's like nothing ever affected you. So they can often be very zealous because they never have these emotions that would prevent them from going out.