(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, when you think about forgiveness with God, let me ask you. Do we deserve God's forgiveness? No we don't. What we deserve is to go to hell forever. And it's not a matter of the fact, well, I committed a couple sins, and that's why I'm on my way to hell. I mean, obviously, literally, one lie is enough to send you to hell. If you've sinned one time and it's not forgiven you're going to go to hell, you need to get saved. But it's not like anybody is ever the person who they only sin time in their life. It's like everybody sins on a daily basis. I mean, we've sinned a multitude of times. And what is true probably for all of us is we've sinned against God, and we say, God, I'm sorry. I promise I'll never, ever, ever do it again. And then what do we do? We do the same thing over and over and over and over. And I wish it was just easy to do what I'm preaching, but it's not. It's hard to actually obey and do right. So the thing is, we do not deserve God's forgiveness. We also ought to forgive our brothers and sisters in Christ. Whether they deserve it or not.