(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But what I do want to do is in your mind I want you to kind of take a step back and think about what's going on during the beginning of sorrows because I don't know and I personally honestly I probably haven't really done this a whole lot in my life when I've read the Bible just stopped to really think about what's going to happen during this time period. But I think most Christians seem to think that they're going to basically just go to their nine to five job every day like oh I'm gonna go to work on Monday morning come home do a little Bible reading spend some time with the family go grocery shopping Wednesday night service I'll be there at church and then on Sunday I'll be there soul winning and oh yeah I know we'll have less money but no that's not what it's going to be like during the beginning of sorrows. Look if there's people that are not working and there's no food do you realize there's going to be places without any electricity places without any water places without any food everything's going to be chaos my friend you're not going to be going to your normal job probably every day very few people are going to be doing that okay it's going to be mass chaos and look what we're experiencing now is honestly a very small taste of what it could be during the end times multiply this times a hundred and let me tell you something you're probably not going to work and so look you're probably not making any money and you're not going to be able to buy food okay that's the reality during the beginning of sorrows people seem to think man the great tribulation is so tough at the beginning of sorrows it's just yeah I mean it's not that things are going to be more expensive but also be going to church every service no I mean you're probably get arrested if you're trying to go so anything such as that it's going to be chaos like it is in other parts of the world where you're trying to serve God that is what it's going to be like during the beginning of sorrows the beginning of sorrows is already going to be a lot of persecution towards believers it's already going to be chaos there's going to be mass famines and pestilences lockdowns it's going to be a madhouse and let me tell you something it will be difficult to serve God during the beginning of sorrows it's not going to be easy and when you stop to see what's going on during these seals and you realize that this is probably the greatest persecution until the great tribulation you must understand that during the beginning of sorrows it's going to be very very difficult this is why I really just don't think we're that close because quite honestly we're not at the beginning of sorrows okay where there's no electricity in the country no water nobody has food lockdowns people dying left and right you know we're not at that point unless things dramatically took a turn okay go to Revelation chapter 12 we say brother Stuckey proved to me that the beginning of sorrows is really gonna be that difficult because I'm not convinced well I will prove it to you in Revelation chapter 12 Revelation chapter 12 I mean everything's gonna be tough you might not have a home to go to anymore you might not have be able to get groceries your job you probably aren't gonna have okay meeting for church service I have no clue if we'll be able to have church service during the beginning of sorrows I mean honestly you know we're probably not gonna be able to who knows what it's gonna be like who knows what the world's gonna be like look when countries are at war and there's massive pestilences look nobody's doing anything okay they're not gonna let anybody on the streets or anything it's gonna be mass chaos it is gonna be difficult to serve God in the beginning of sorrows we're probably not gonna have like these organized so many times why we're not gonna have the ability to do it it's really hard to picture what's gonna happen but let me tell you something the beginning of sorrows is gonna be chaos it's gonna be madness okay and I'll prove this to you in Revelation chapter 12 and I'll show you this is not gonna be a picnic my friend and I want you to remember God promised you food and Raymond and that is a promise that I believe God's gonna keep during all time periods he's gonna give you clothing and he's gonna give you food but he did not promise you a house and a pillow at night to sleep on he didn't promise that and during the beginning of sorrows I promise you many believers many unbelievers as well many believers are not gonna have a home to go to why the world's gonna be in chaos people are gonna be dead left and right things are gonna be destroyed things aren't gonna be getting fixed I mean if there's wars going on and a bomb goes off in a city my goodness man there's gonna be so much rubble and desolation you might not be able to go to different places you might be stuck and locked in it's gonna be difficult you're probably not gonna be able to spend a couple hours on the Facebook chat hey how's it going how's your morning going why it's gonna be chaos during the beginning of sorrows and I'll prove that to you in Revelation 12 and look I'll go in more detail when we get to Revelation chapter 12 so you're gonna have to take my word for this that what we're seeing here what I'm gonna describe in verse 6 and in verse 14 is the first three and a half years which is the beginning of sorrows before the abomination of desolation and this is the first three and a half years and notice what it says in verse 6 and the woman fled into the wilderness okay the Bible says the woman fled into the wilderness now I believe this woman is representing Eve and that's that's a really in-depth topic we'll get to when we go to Revelation chapter 12 but then through Eve I believe this is referring to believers here okay and the woman is fleeing into the wilderness and when you flee into the wilderness it means you're running from something you're fleeing from something and the wilderness is not your home look a lot of people are gonna be fleeing into the wilderness it's not gonna be an easy time during the beginning of sorrows and the woman fled into the wilderness but notice what it says where she hath a place prepared of God we're gonna be on the run for our lives it's gonna be difficult and look serving God is not that difficult right now but I'll tell you what throughout history and throughout various parts of the world serving God and going soul winning is a very dangerous thing in a lot of parts of the world today try going soul winning in North Korea or a Muslim country you know you have a good chance of dying right there's a lot of countries communist countries where you can't just go freely and preach the gospel and let me tell you something I believe that persecution is gonna come to pretty much all countries it's gonna be very difficult to try to serve God and it says she's fleeing into the wilderness it's gonna be a very difficult time but the encouraging thing is where she hath a place prepared of God God has a place prepared for you and it might not be your home anymore you might not have that two-bedroom home where you get to sleep at night your kids are sleeping in one room you and your wife are in the other room let me tell you something God does have a place prepared for you but you have to be willing to live a pretty simple life during the beginning of sorrows you say why because you might be washing in the river to try to clean off you might not have the electricity you might not have oh man I got my toothbrush here and I know it's gonna be chaos during that time you have a place prepared of God where God will feed you but let me tell you something the beginning of sorrows is rough for believers yes the Great Tribulation is a 75-day blitz but look you're not just preparing for 75-day blitz as we get closer to the seven-year time period there's gonna be real persecution that's gonna come to Christians it's gonna progressively get worse and there will come a time period probably in our lives we're going soul winning is not the easiest thing to do anymore it's not the safest thing to do anymore it's actually gonna be very difficult and for sure if the beginning of sorrows does happen in our lives which I personally do not think will end up happening but if it does happen in our lives it's gonna be very difficult to serve God it's gonna be chaos and look meeting for organized church services I mean it's probably gonna be done the old-fashioned way we're just out in the wilderness with like John the Baptist preaching to you and you have a group of six people and you're getting together and just trying to go so anywhere however you can and just trusting in God to feed you that could be the reality why it says she fled into the wilderness where she had the place prepared of God say why do you say this is the first three and a half years that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and three score days 1260 days and I'll prove this as we go to Revelation 12 later on not in this sermon but a future sermon this is three and a half years and this is the first three and a half years the beginning of sorrows and in the beginning of sorrows she's fleeing into a wilderness