(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And I would say in our modern day, the Big Bang Theory is considered like a fact by the scientific community. The idea is this, that all the matter of the universe, right, all the matter of Jupiter and the stars and everything, all of a sudden just collapsed into a small little dot, and it was very hot, and it was spinning, and then it just exploded. Now, I don't know about you, but I don't have to be an expert at physics to just use some common sense that all the matter cannot be squished into a little dot. But you could grind this up into fine little pieces of wood, and it's gonna be a lot bigger than a dot. That's certainly not science, because science is observable. It's testable. Show me the observation of collecting matter of the universe into a dot. Where is your test for that? Because if you don't have something that's observable and test, you have a wild theory that you are claiming is a fact. It's a dumb and stupid theory. And it's funny, because as Bible-leaving Christians, I don't think we would have ever come up with the theories that they come up with. It's like, we know those were false to begin with.