(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I've heard it said before, well, if you're living in sin, you can't really go soul winning because then you'd be a hypocrite. What? Bro, what are you talking about, man? Well, what I teach people when I go soul winning is faith alone for salvation. If I was teaching repentsive sins, I would be a hypocrite. But that's not what I'm preaching door to door. Now, if you're a hypocrite going soul winning, I would like to know what you're saying out door to door. And we're gonna need to talk about that. Maybe this is not the right church for you. But if you believe salvation is by grace through faith, no works involved in salvation, you're never a hypocrite when you go out soul winning. You say, why? Because you're teaching people to believe on Christ just like you believe on Christ.