(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I mean, you know, we're living in a day where people are very devoid of basic knowledge. And look, I understand that not everybody is a math person, and that's fine. I am a math person. But I taught high school math, and when I was teaching Algebra II, it's like over half the students couldn't do four times five without a cell phone or a calculator. And it's—I'm sorry, but it's like, you ought to learn that at a young age. The basics of just education, even outside the Bible, learn the basics with education. I mean, get educated, get smart. But the world we live in today, just people sit around playing video games. So I remember my principal said, you know, next year I want you to teach calculus to these kids. I'm just like, they don't know four times five. How am I going to teach calculus? You've got to be kidding me.