(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It's interesting the Bible says these people, they become vain in their imaginations. And one thing you're going to see with these famous atheistic scientists is they have very wild imaginations. Now look, I think it's great that kids at a young age have a big imagination. I love seeing my kids that, you know, they'll put pillows on the ground. They're like, well, we made a castle. We're trying to protect the queen inside. And that's fun. That's nice for a child, right? But that's a five-year-old, not a 50-year-old. And what you're going to see with these famous atheists is they have a wild imagination. Here's what Albert Einstein said. Imagination is more important than knowledge. That's kind of weird for a scientist or a mathematical person to say. It's like, well, two plus three equals five, but just imagine it equals seven. Like what?